Upgrade Your Line With Automated Deburring Machines

Timesavers 32 Series RB machine

32 Series Rotary Brush

The 32 Series Rotary Brush is the Timesavers mid-range RB machine, offering versatility for deburring, edge rounding, finishing, and laser oxide removal for different materials.

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Timesavers 42 Series Rotary Brush Dry Machine

42 Series Rotary Brush

The 42 Series Rotary Brush dry machine is the ultimate machine for deburring, finishing, edge radiusing, laser oxide removal, and heavy slag removal. This machine offers the perfect solution for manufacturers who supply premium quality products. The high quality is achieved through a multi-rotating brush machine with eight abrasive flap brushes that deburr uniformly and…

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Compact 9 Series

The Timesavers Compact 9 Series are economical machines, ideal for deburring, finishing, and edge breaking of small parts. The combination of a small footprint and minimal power requirements allow these models to be easily placed where the need is greatest. Available with a belt head & top brush assembly gives users flexibility based on application.

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Compact 9 Special

The Timesavers Compact 9 Series are economical machines, ideal for deburring, finishing, and edge breaking of small parts. The combination of a small footprint and minimal power requirements allow these models to be easily placed where the need is greatest. Available with a belt head & top brush assembly gives users flexibility based on application.

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Timesavers Hammerhead Slag Grinder

Slag Grinders

Timesavers slag grinders are designed for heavy dross removal created by plasma tables. The slag grinder is offered in different duty cycles. The 12 Series SG is available for a 1 shift operation while the 22 Series is more heavy-duty and would be used in a 1-2 shift operation. The 42 Series with a Hammerhead…

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What Is Slag?

Hammerhead and Slag Removal

Our Heavy Slag Removal Machines Will Improve Your Production Lines

Cutting-Edge Heavy Slag Removal Machines

Configure Our Slag Removal Machines to Your Needs

Timesavers manufactures custom systems to meet your operation’s requirements. Integrate our Hammerhead technology into any of our current machines to pair it with edge rounding. This configuration will provide the ultimate finish in one pass.

Turn to Timesavers for a Deslagging Machine